Can You Get Sick From A Dirty House?

If you have allergies, asthma or a weakened immune system, you may already be aware of the importance of cleanliness. But what about the potential effects of dirt and germs on your physical health? The truth is that it’s not just dirty dishes and laundry piles that can make you sick-your home also plays a significant role in how healthy you feel. But is this possible? Can a messy house make you sick? While some people think that germs are everywhere and it’s impossible to keep your home clean enough to avoid sickness, others disagree.

So if your house is getting dingy and dusty in places where germs love to hide (like under beds or inside closets), you might be at risk of contracting illness. But don’t worry! We’ll walk through some common household hazards, how to prevent them from worsening, and what to do if you’ve already been exposed to something dangerous.


If you have a home with cockroaches, you should be concerned about their health risks. Cockroaches are known to carry and spread disease. They can cause allergies, asthma, and eye infections by spreading bacteria on their bodies as they walk around your house. They also carry parasites that can make you sick if ingested or inhaled by humans.

If you see any signs of cockroach infestation in your home (such as feces or egg casings), it’s important that you contact an exterminator right away so they can get rid of them before they become too big of an issue for pest control companies like ours to handle!


Bacteria are tiny microorganisms living in the air, water, soil, and surfaces. They can be found almost anywhere you look. While bacteria are often beneficial to humans, some help us digest food or fend off disease-causing organisms. They can also cause illness if they enter the body through food or contact with an infected animal or person.

If you’re concerned about the condition of your house, maintenance cleaning services can help. These companies specialize in deep cleaning and making sure that everything is sanitized. They’ll clean every crevice of your home-even, those hard-to-reach places where dust bunnies like to hide!

Pet Dander

Pet dander is a common allergen and can trigger asthma, allergic reactions and other respiratory problems. Pet dander is microscopic pieces of animal skin that are shed as the pet grooms itself. The dander floats through the air, sticks to your clothes and hands, and can be transferred from one surface to another by you or another person in your home.

If you have pets in your home, keep them out of bedrooms where people sleep, night-especially if someone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma. If possible, remove furniture with fabric upholstery because it harbors more allergens than hard surfaces like wood or metal; wash bedding frequently; vacuum frequently with an upholstery attachment; clean floors daily with disinfectant wipes.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are microscopic bugs in mattresses, pillows, and carpets. They eat skin cells and can cause allergic reactions like asthma or eczema. The most common dust mite allergy symptoms are itchy eyes and runny nose during the springtime (when there’s more pollen in the air), which can lead to hay fever symptoms like sneezing fits and congestion if left untreated.

If you have a severe allergy to dust mites, regular cleaning services may not be enough to keep your home clean enough to live comfortably without becoming sick. If this could be an issue for you or someone else in your family, consider hiring Maintenance Cleaning Services for weekly or biweekly visits throughout the year (or however often is necessary). A cleaning professional team will thoroughly clean every inch of your house-including behind appliances and under furniture-to, remove any lingering allergens from where they’ve been hiding out!