Cobwebs are a classic horror movie trope. They’re also among the most common household pests, but they don’t need to be scary. They can also spread bacteria throughout your home, mainly when everyone is gathered in close quarters during cold and flu. But they are less scary when you realize how easily they can be removed from your home. Here are a few tips for getting rid of cobwebs!
What Are Cobwebs Made Of?
Cobwebs are a type of spider web. The spider produces the silk that makes up a cobweb and has many uses, including capturing prey and protecting the spider against predators. Spiders make their webs using two types of silk: gluey capture threads and stretchy support lines.
The gluey capture threads are made from proteins called spidroins; these proteins are what give silk its sticky properties so that it can adhere to surfaces or catch prey animals (like flies). These proteins aren’t very elastic, so they can’t stretch very far before breaking apart into smaller pieces-but if you pull on them quickly enough, they’ll snap instead! This snapping action releases some energy stored within your hand as heat through friction between your skin and the surrounding air molecules; this process is called thermal radiation.
How To Get Rid Of Cobwebs
Dust First: The first step to removing cobwebs is dusting the area. Dusting removes the sticky layer that traps the webs, making it easier to pull them off without damaging your furniture or walls. You can use a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove cobwebs, but using an electric broom or shop vac is much easier (and safer). If you don’t have one of these handy tools, consider using an old toothbrush instead-the bristles will help scrape away any webs that are missed by your cleaning device.
Check your baseboards for cobwebs too! If any loose threads are hanging down from the corners of walls or ceilings where they meet baseboards, grab those with tweezers and pull them out of sight.
Remove The Spider: Once you’ve removed the cobwebs, it’s time to eliminate the spider. Though this step may seem obvious, as many people are afraid of spiders, it is essential to remember that they are an important part of our ecosystem and should not be killed unless they pose a threat (or if you’re allergic).
If your ceiling is low enough to reach it with your broom or vacuum cleaner attachment, grab hold of the spider and gently remove them from its web. If not, try using a ladder with long enough legs so your head does not come into contact with any webs hanging from above.
Get Rid Of Any Clutter: You don’t want your house to look like a junk heap, so make sure you are constantly cleaning up after yourself. The more clutter there is in the house, the more likely it is that spiders will build webs in corners and other places where they can hide from light or humans’ prying eyes.
If you have an attic or basement, check those out as well! Spiders like dark places where they can feel safe from predators and people alike; if there’s no one around them at all times (like when no one’s home), they’ll feel comfortable enough to build nests there too!